
  ✈ 在新聞中遇見雅思──亞洲七大罪惡城市之「首爾」 (圖文來源:CNN GO)

2. Sloth: Seoul, South Korea
The digital "activity" of Seoul's gamer havens.

When South Koreans are not racking up overtime, they're collecting bandwidth fees. 

Seoul’s Internet has been honed, sculpted, streamlined and sped up to such a degree that no one really needs to move, at all, ever, except maybe when the orc hordes descend in "World of Warcraft" and some rapid double-clicking is required.

South Korea has been ranked the 15th laziest country in the world (and the first in Asia) by The Daily Beast. And there's every reason to assume they'll get even lazier. 

A recently proposed government policy seeks to advance digital technology in the capital, partly influenced by demand for online gaming and streaming video, and will take Internet speeds to 1,000 Mbps by 2012. 

So if some of the 39 million connected South Koreans wanted to emulate their favourite national soccer heroes, they may as well just do it via "FIFA Manager."

 sloth n. 怠惰  streamline v. 使有效率
 haven n. 避風港  horde n. 一大群(人或動物)
 rack up v. 累計  descend v. 突然襲擊;下降
 overtime n. 加班費  assume v. 假定
 hone v. 磨利  influence v. 影響、感化
 sculpt v. 雕刻  emulate v. 與…競爭;盡力趕上



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