
  ✈ 在新聞中遇見雅思──亞洲七大罪惡城市之「馬尼拉」 (圖文來源:CNN GO)

3. Pride: Manila, Philippines
The only men in the world who call out their own name in bed.

Much is made about the loveliness of the Filipino female. But you wouldn't know it by talking to the Filipino men -- they're too busy gazing lustfully into the mirror.

According to a study from Synovate, Filipino men are the most narcissistic in Asia. A whopping 48 percent consider themselves sexually attractive.

And if the ladies reading this think the guys' encounters with the brow tweezers are for your benefit, sorry -- nine out of 10 Filipino men polled said they liked to look good for themselves, not anyone else.  

By way of comparison, just 25 percent of men in Singapore considered themselves sexually attractive, 17 percent in China and Taiwan and a measly 12 percent of Hong Kong guys think the same. 

 lustful a. 貪求的,色慾的  tweezer n. 鑷子
 narcissistic a. 自戀的  poll n. v. 民意調查
 whopping a. 巨大的  by way of ph. 經由;作為



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