我叫王粹倫,英文叫Timothy Wang,來自台灣。
我參加 Navitas at Western Kentucky University是在2010 年的九月,也是Navitas at WKU 的第一屆學生。再來美國之前,我在台中的東海大學資訊工程與科學系念了一年半,我發現資工並不是我的生涯志願,所以下定決心出國。後來經過代辦的介紹,知道了Navitas at WKU,美麗的校園,完備的設施以及華人較少的特點讓我選擇了Navitas at WKU。
Navitas at WKU利用小班制的教學以及現職WKU大學教授的師資創造出與一般學校截然不同的課程。由於小班的教學,每一堂課教授都會提出非常多的問題來問我們,也特別關心我們每一位同學的學習。因為Navitas 的每一堂課都是確確實實美國學生在大學所上的課,上過的每一堂課都會被計算在大學學分內。這樣的課程模式,不僅可以同時修大學的學分,也可以幫助我應付接下來不同難度的大學課程。我想謝謝Navitas at WKU 的幫助,讓我在之後的大學課程有了萬全的準備。
在Navitas at WKU 和WKU的時間,是讓我的英文進步很多。我也認識了許許多多一輩子的外國朋友,Navitas 的員工也讓我們感受到他們的關心,努力與熱情。歡迎你們加入Navitas at WKU的大家庭,我們一起與這邊的同學,老師以及員工們創造最美好的留學旅程!
Hi, my name is Timothy Wang and I am from Taiwan. I enrolled in Navitas at Western Kentucky University in September 2010 and I was the first group of students in Navitas at WKU. Before coming to the United States, I studied Computer Science and Information Engineering in Tunghai University in Taichung for one and a half years. I discovered this major was not the goal that I wanted to pursue as my career so I decided to study abroad. By consulting with an agent, I learned about Navitas at WKU. I saw a school with a beautiful campus, perfect facilities, and most importantly, a small population of Chinese speakers. I felt this was a good fit so I chose Navitas at WKU to be my future school.
Navitas at WKU created a very different learning environment compared to other institutions by using small class teaching and current university faculties. While I was in the Pathway Program, we had less than ten students in my class including myself at that time, and it was part of the reason why instructors were able to pay close personal attention to us. The courses in Navitas at WKU are unique. We can improve our English skills and also earn credits from every single course simultaneously. Thanks to Navitas at WKU, I have been well prepared for further university studies.
Overall, the years that I spent at WKU were the most valuable time I have ever had. I improved my English and I made a lot of international friends as well as American friends. Most importantly, every employee at Navitas at WKU cares about the students, they are some of the hardest working and passionate people I have never seen. I hope you can join us in our wonderful study journey at Navitas and Western Kentucky University. You will be ready to take off in your career!!