
The University of Saskatchewan operates a SuperDARN radar station near Saskatoon. It also operates stations in Inuvik and Prince George. (University of Saskatchewan)

A University of Saskatchewan project to study a part of the atmosphere that's important for radio communications has received a $1 million boost from the Canadian Space Agency.

The payment was announced this week as part of $6 million in payments to atmospheric scientists across Canada.
The U of S contribution is for the university's "SuperDARN radars" in Saskatoon, Inuvik, Northwest Territories, and Prince George, B.C.

SuperDARN stands for Super Dual Auroral Radar Network and refers to the equipment used to study plasma density irregularities in the ionosphere, the layer of the upper atmosphere ionized by the sun.

The space agency says $6 million being distributed over five years will allow scientists to use instruments such as magnetometers, radars, radio equipment and special cameras to study the ionosphere above Canada.

Six universities received money according the space agency, but the U of S contribution was the biggest.



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